HOROSCOPES FOR THE WEEK Of     February 3, 2025

As an Astrologer + Life Coach, my job is to empower you to live an empowered life in accordance with the stars and planets above. Weekly horoscopes are posted every Monday - be sure to read for your Sun and Ascendant signs - and if you want to see more content like this, you can subscribe to my Substack, or follow me on Instagram and Facebook. If your horoscope resonates, great! Buy me a coffee! Finally, for a more in depth look at how the astrology of the times is affecting your unique astrological birth chart, book an astrology reading. 


A painting of an animal with horns on it.
March 21-April 19

Aries In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters your sign on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Aries, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings a personal review of your presentation to the world – your look, individual persona, and overall sense of identity – as you prepare to enter spaces better aligned with how you are changing and growing. Whether building a business enterprise or a social platform, forming new connections or joining new affiliations, you are rebranding yourself from the inside-out in order to identify your tribe and link up with like minds for shared causes. This means that you must release old stories and narratives that undermine your innate self-worth, and begin to envision how you want to appear, be received, and the confidence you wish to embody. By the time Venus returns to your sign at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in your sign, too!), you will be ready for a coming out party that sees you making indelible impressions and moving into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025.We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Taurus, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings an internal review of your inner landscape and hidden motivations, as you consider your legacy and contributions to a greater cause. Whether expanding upon your skillset and expertise, climbing the corporate ladder, or stepping more fully into a vocational path that gives you meaning and purpose, you must get clear on your overarching aims and the fears that hold you back. This review may even lead you to assess the groups, friendships, and affiliations you’re associated with in order to discern whether the people in your corner support your efforts or hinder your growth. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more self-assured – inner faith and confidence restored – as you move into the next chapter of your evolution

A red and green cow is on a blue background
April 20-May 20
Taurus In 2025


A painting of two seahorses with orange and red colors.
May 21-June 21
Gemini In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Gemini, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings an assessment of the groups, friendships, and social networks you’re affiliated with as you consider how best to expand upon your worldviews, your education, and whatever else enhances your sense of meaning and purpose in life. Whether looking into higher learning programs, considering the trip of a lifetime, launching your own business enterprise or building upon your beliefs and spiritual practices, you must find the courage to take a few leaps of faith that will broaden your horizons, connected to those who will support your overall efforts. This review may even lead you to consider certain career aspirations; are you fulfilled in your line of work? Is there room for advancement or are you simply working to live? By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will have identified your true tribe and community – personal and professional – that will help you move into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Cancer, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings an important professional assessment as you consider where you wish to invest your time, energy, expertise and resources. Whether negotiating new contract agreements, partnering in a business enterprise, or even striving to pay off debt, you must get clear on the innate value you bring to a greater cause as you command greater reward and compensation in your chosen career. This review might even encourage you to build upon your knowledge base in an academic setting, expose yourself to new opportunities that prove broadening, or fall back on faith as you shift directions along your vocational path. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more confident to move into the next chapter of your evolution, committed to the work and legacy you’re meant to leave behind.

A crab is painted in watercolor on paper.
June 21-July 22
Cancer In 2025


A lion with green and yellow mane on a background of orange.
July 23-August 23
Leo In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025.We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Leo, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings an important assessment of aspirational goals and ambitions as you consider important partnerships and connections with others. Whether looking for a publisher, building an enterprise, seeking a travel buddy, considering a connection with someone of a different background, or simply in search of a mentor and teacher, you must get clear on how best to pursue what gives your life meaning and purpose, and who can come with you for the ride. This review may even encourage you to revisit ongoing investments and entanglements that either hinder your achievements, or need a greater commitment of time and effort on your part as you bring your dreams to fruition. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will have doubled down on the courage needed to take new leaps of faith that move you into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Virgo, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings an important assessment of ongoing commitments, investments, and other entanglements as you consider important lifestyle changes. Whether taking on a new role at work, updating your fitness regimen, fine tuning your regular routines, becoming a pet parent, or offloading certain obligations, you are organizing your priorities in order to make room for more intimate dealings (business, financial and personal) that prove lucrative and rewarding. This might even demand that you consider the important others in your life – i.e., spouse or romantic partner, close friend, family member, business associate, etc. – and the value they bring to your day-to-day and overall quality of life. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more assured in where/with whom to invest your love, time, money, and other resources as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.

A woman 's head with intricate designs on it.
August 23 - September 22
Virgo In 2025


A green and white picture of the scales of justice.
September 23-October 22
Libra In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Libra, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun sees you considering important relationship and partnership dealings, as new creative collaborations, child-rearing, and matters of the heart generate momentum. Whether launching different artistic endeavors, meeting new romantic connections, starting a family of your own (furry or human), or simply reconnecting to your inner child, you are getting clear on how best to embrace your most authentic self as you merge with another for business or pleasure. Lifestyle changes are a part of this exercise, too; you may have to amend your regular routines – work, health, daily chores, etc. – in order to make room for more love, joy, and overall content. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more connected to what and who you truly value as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Scorpio, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun sees you considering important lifestyle changes as you navigate activities building on the home and family fronts. Whether doing renovations around the house, buying property, or moving to a new town, you are becoming aware of how such change will impact daily affairs, especially if relocating for work, becoming someone’s primary caregiver, or merging in a domestic partnership. Children and new romantic connections could play a role in these developments. You may be thinking about starting a family, expanding your family, or committing in an affair of the heart. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more assured of changing priorities and quality of living as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.

A scorpion with an ornate design on it's body.
October 23-November 21
Scorpio In 2025


A bow and arrow with a blue background
November 22-December 21
Sagittarius In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Sagittarius, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings focus to children, creative projects, and even romantic connections, as you pursue different learning endeavors, enter new locales, and merge in certain community spaces. Whether relocating to a new town, launching projects online, or negotiating important agreements, your mind is quite active and engaged, especially if building an Etsy shop, managing youth programs, or bridging the gap in a long-distance affair. Domestic matters may also be under consideration, especially if moving in with a romantic partner or looking for a bigger home as your family expands. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more assured of how best to embrace a more authentic way of living and being, as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Capricorn, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings focus to home and family endeavors as you consider important financial decisions, new purchases, and other possessions of value. Whether negotiating a salary agreement, seeking compensation that’s owed, or simply filing your taxes, money matters may be what informs domestic decisions especially if buying a house, paying off a mortgage, or planning for retirement. There may even be some back-and-forth when it comes to a settlement process, an online listing, or a period of adjustment as you get settled in new environments. By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will be planting new seeds that give you a sense of anchoring and security as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.

A goat with horns is depicted in this artistic image.
December 22-January 19
Capricorn In 2025


A painting of an elephant with swirls and designs.
January 20- February 18
Aquarius In 2025

As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025. We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of a New Moon that peaked last week in your sign, closely aligned with Pluto transiting your sign, too. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into the sign of Pisces too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while Pisces is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Water Bearer, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings focus to learning, education, and new environments as you undergo a period of personal transformation during this next solar return celebrating your birthday season. Whether moving to a new town, enrolling in an education program, teaching coursework, or launching online platforms, you may be in search of new stimulating environments and subject matter that engage and challenge your mind. An assessment of values is a part of this exercise as you consider everything from where best to plant seeds if buying property to where best to invest your resources if pursuing academic endeavors. You’re reclaiming your self-worth and getting clearer on what you want; by the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will know for sure what feeds your mind best, as well as those surroundings that are safe for you to move into the next chapter of your evolution.


As I write your horoscope for this week – the first batch of weekly horoscopes I’ve written since the end of 2024 – it feels like an entire year has already passed. I said at the opening of your annual horoscope that fast change would be coming down the pike in 2025.We’ve made it through the first month, with 11 more to go, and this week alone brings several shifts. We’re on the heels of an Aquarius New Moon that peaked last week in close proximity to Pluto in Aquarius. Venus, meanwhile, enters the sign of Aries on Tuesday, February 4, with a slow transit before stationing retrograde on March 2. The planet of love, beauty, values and aesthetic will backtrack into your sign too, before stationing direct on April 13. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac while yours is the last; this new Venus cycle will be an experience that demands we reconsider our values and resources, our connections to others, and get clear on how best to cultivate that which is sacred and secure as the entire world adjusts to these unprecedented times. For you, Pisces, this transit beginning under the Aquarius Sun brings focus to personal finances and resources as you examine what you value, and how best to embody certain changing values. You may be taking some time to reflect on where to invest your resources – i.e., love, time, money, energy, expertise, etc. – in ways that are aligned with new emerging priorities. This will also demand a more personal evaluation – are you living up to your own standards and values, presenting yourself in a way that sees you commanding more of what you need, want and desire? By the time Venus returns to Aries at the close of April (on the heels of a Solar Eclipse that happens in the sign, too!), you will feel more affirmed in your overall worth as you move into the next chapter of your evolution.

A red and yellow fish is in the center of a green background.
February 19-March 20
Pisces In 2025